Help us

Help us with the translations

Here is the list of languages that we support entirely or partially:

Language Is content translated? Is app menu translated?
English Yes Yes
French Yes Yes
Japanese Yes Yes
Spanish Yes Yes
Arabic Yes Yes
Vietnamese Yes Yes
Thai Yes Yes
Indonesian Yes Yes
Russian Yes Yes

We will focus on these first.

If you know one of these languages and want to contribute to the app menu translation, refer to next section.

App menu translation

We want to offer Avocards and help people learn with their native language. Thanks, for considering helping us.

Before you start, please make sure to check the following points:

  • You can propose any fixes for an existing language.
  • We will only add languages that are listed above for now.
  • Email us with a screenshot and the fix for every issue you found.
  • Thank you so much for helping us!

Feature idea

Do you have an idea to make Avocards better? If you have a feature request, you can fill a new request here with the following title: [Feature request] My awesome feature idea. Try to explain as clearly as you can with some examples when possible.

Other ways to help

Share the app with your friends, that’s the best you can do to help Avocards.

Support us

Support free learning and help us improving the app, add more words and features and add more languages.

This will also help us with the development and server costs. Ways to support us:

  • Subscribe to a premium membership in the app.